Human urine 1H NMR metabolomics reveals alterations of protein and carbohydrate metabolism when comparing habitual Average Danish diet vs. healthy New Nordic diet
Alessia Trimigno, Bekzod Khakimov, Francesco Savorani, Sanne Kellebjerg Poulsen, Arne Astrup D, Lars O. Dragsted, Søren Balling Engelsen
The aim of this study was to investigate the alteration of the human urine metabolome by means of diet and to compare the metabolic effects of the nutritionally healthy New Nordic Diet (NND) with an Average Danish Diet (ADD). The NND was designed a decade ago by scientists and chefs, based on local and sustainable foods, including fish, shellfish, vegetables, roots, fruit, and berries.
Importancia del artículo para la Red Tecnomifood
El análisis metabolómico de la orina es cada vez más utilizado, en el contexto de estudios nutricionales, para detectar los efectos de la dieta en el metabolismo. En este estudio se comparan dos tipos de dieta. Se detectan perfiles metabólicos distintos, tanto entre dietas como entre tiempos de la intervención.