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Stepping up staff training and equipment in the network’s technology centres to enhance the scientific and technological strengths and specialisation of omic technologies in nutrition.
Generating technology services and scientific recognition to encourage businesses to drawn on the network’s expertise when implementing their innovation processes in new functional products.
Designing workflows for using omic technologies which cater for business requirements.
Generating an entrepreneurial innovation ecosystem which drives new business models anchored in omic technologies.
The consortium of the Red Tecnomifood has designed and developed a self-diagnosis questionnaire with the objective to find out the degree of penetration and use of omic technologies in the design and validation of functional foods, nutraceuticals and bioactive ingredients which include both types of products. Initially, the self-diagnosis tool is intended to know the alignment of the company’s R&D&i strategy in order to later evaluate its use in the main stages of the product development value chain, as well as in the area of nutrition and health.
The Red Tecnomifood team publishes different newsletters to share the latest news of the consortium and inform about the evolution of its actions, its activities and the different infrastructures that it makes available to the companies, as well as the resources that the Technological Surveillance action generates and offers to the sector.ales etapas de la cadena de valor del desarrollo de productos, en el área de nutrición y salud.